Superjail Wiki
The Twin's Control Room

The Twin's Control Room

The Twins Control Room is a high tech laboratory that serves as The Twins' home base. It has been rumored to have been created by The Twins via underground resources. The Twins' control room houses a very large computer system with a large screen for surveillance in which The Twins can see everything going on at any given point within Superjail. The console of the computer system has various keys like that of a keyboard, buttons and lights, and also a small midi keyboard and mixer slides, suggesting that it is also used for musical purposes.

In the back of the lab there is a chamber that can house at least one person sized object, with various tubes leading to it.  The chamber was used to develop and nurture 'Combaticus', The Twins' ultimate fighting machine who enters into the Superjail's Fight City event.

In the episode "Vacation", it is revealed that The Twins actually sleep in this room.



  • In the "Combaticus" episode, The Twin’s control room is revealed to be connected to a doorway leading to some jailcells when Jailbot chases a Scorpion through the room.
  • "Hot Chick" is the only episode where the back of the control room isn't shown onscreen. The large monitor and control pad of the room aren't even shown in "Vacation."


"Bunny Love"[]



"Hot Chick"[]


"The Troubles with Triples"[]
